There are several ways you can donate to the Gowrie Locomotive trust, the first of which is to become a 'Friend of Gowrie'. This starts from as little as £20 per year and you will receive the benefits listed on the 'Friends of Gowrie' page.
Both single donations and regular donations via standing order are most welcome and can be sent to the account below.
Gowrie Locomotive Trust
CAF Bank
Sort Code 40-52-40
Account Number 00033303
Donations can also be made by cheque and sent to us at the following address.
Honorary Treasurer,
Gowrie Locomotive Trust,
6 Shipley Rise,
NG4 1BN.
Donations can also be made in person at any of the events the project stand attends. Details of these can be found on the Events page.
We are also happy to accept donations of any model railway items, collectables, railwayana, tools and any other items that may be used to support the Trust and help us achieve our aims. If you have anything you would like to donate, please email us at gowrielocomotivetrust@gmail.com and we will discuss the best way to get it to us.
If you are a UK tax payer and making a donation by cash, cheque, or via bank transfer, please also complete the Gift Aid form available to download on the 'Friends of Gowrie' page as this will enable us to increase your donation by 20 pence per pound given.