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2022 Match Funding Appeal

In our latest magazine The GOWRIE issue 10 we have announced that we are looking for match funding.  

One of our ardent supporters has agreed that he is willing to match fund any donations we receive towards two of our current projects.  

  1. We are currently looking to fund the purchase of the platework for the bunker, cab and tanks. Today we have received the quote for this platework and we need to raise a total of £6,000, this means that we are looking for donations totaling £3,000 to allow us to complete this purchase. To take advantage of the quoted price we need to place the order within the next few days to avoid the possibility of an increase in the price. This means that in order to avoid dipping into our reserves we are asking for £3,000 towards the cost of these items by the end of July. 

  1. The second project is the funding needed to enable us to have the machining carried out on the wheelsets for the power bogie. We now have all the components for this very important part of the projects, i.e. axles, wheel castings and tyres. These are all with the contractor who will be doing this highly specialized work for us. We have been offered a time slot in their very busy schedule commencing towards the end of this month (July) This with a view to the work being completed by the end of September. This work will cost in the region of £15,000, so we need to raise £7,500 and have this match funded by our sponsor so that we can pay the bill during October. 

Please also do not forget that if you are able to, we can also get gift aid on any donations you make which enables us to receive 25 pence in the pound  back from the HMRC. So, if you pay tax on your earnings or pensions, by allowing us to get gift aid, you are also giving us a gift from your tax payment. 

I know we are asking a lot at this time of economic downturn, but every donation large or small will be a big help when doubled by match funding. Please make a difference and help us in this exciting part of the project to build GOWRIE. In view of the perceived rapid changes we intend to send updates via the website on a fortnightly basis. 

With many thanks in advance Marion Allen, Hon. Treasurer/Secretary, Gowrie Locomotive Trust CIO. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me on our email, or by telephone on 07757595697, or by writing to me c/o 6 Shipley Rise, Carlton, Nottingham, NG11 9ER 


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